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Gilberto Delgado

Glossy Print of Lithograph Mexico Fine Art Décor "El Torito" Oaxaca #21/28

Glossy Print of Lithograph Mexico Fine Art Décor "El Torito" Oaxaca #21/28

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  • Gorgeous copy of Lithograph of "El Torito". 

  • Image only
  • Wide- 9 1/2"
  • Height/Tall- 12 1/2"
  • Paper measurement- 11" x 17"

  • This beautiful glossy print of lithograph was made by Gilberto Delgado.

  • Gilberto Kupyum is from Tlahuitoltepec Mixe, an indigenous community located in Oaxaca's northwest region, an area of fog and forest.
  • In his work, he uses themes such as nature, oral tradition and music, which he captures in various media, for example, painting, screen printing, engraving, lithography and ceramics.
  • His real name is Gilberto Delgado but is called Gil Kupyum or Mish Kupyum by his friends, which means “woodpecker boy” in the Ayuujk language.

  • Gilberto Kupyum also works with women and young people from his community. Together they make bags, shirts, notebooks, prints and other products to create a source of community employment.

  • The title of this very colorful glossy print lithograph is "El Torito" or translated to "The Little Bull".
  • The In Mexico, “La Danza” refers to a form of ethnic dance which may also called “Baile Folclórico” or “Folklore Dance”

  • This amazing and very colorful print of the lithograph will look beautiful in any home, office or as a gift for someone special.
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