
Lupita Guitar Vihuela

Charro, Mariachi and the Vihuela a bond

The Vihuela is an integral part of Mariachi Music and Charro Culture as heard in the music and seen in Movies and Charreada.

Charro, Mariachi and the Vihuela a bond

The Vihuela is an integral part of Mariachi Music and Charro Culture as heard in the music and seen in Movies and Charreada.

New Lupita Dolls Arrive at Pochteca Gallery

New Lupita Dolls Arrive at Pochteca Gallery

We have received many of these beautiful Lupita Dolls.  Hand crafted by the highly skilled artists at NAJACO, these Premium Lupita Dolls are fantastic examples of town life in rural...

New Lupita Dolls Arrive at Pochteca Gallery

We have received many of these beautiful Lupita Dolls.  Hand crafted by the highly skilled artists at NAJACO, these Premium Lupita Dolls are fantastic examples of town life in rural...